Do you have a website? Facebook? Instagram? YouTube? Twitter? etc.
Briefly describe the applicant organization, it's programs, and geographic area served
Project Name and brief description of project / Program for which you are seeking a grant
Please list all expenses including staff time, materials, and costs covered by in-kind donations
Please list all funds you expect to receive to support this program/project and the amount you expect from each source.
Describe the Problem you are trying to solve and Describe why your project or program can solve the problem
How will you accomplish the solution? By whom, where, when etc. How many volunteers will be involved and the scope of volunteer activities.
How many people will be affected by this program or project and for how long?
How do you plan to recognize the Troy Community Foundation for awarding the grant? Social media? Media release?
You are applying for a grant from the Troy Community Foundation. We love our community and we want to make sure our funds are going to projects and programs that fit in our 'Troy-centric' model.